What is a Webinar?

Webinars also get called Webcasts and Live Masterclasses.

They all refer to the experience of watching a presentation live via video - through a website rather than being in person.

The presentation is filmed and streamed through a website. If you have a link to that website then you can watch it.

For example, on December 17th at 7pm, I was sitting in front of my webcam talking about why people buy couples’ vibrators and what these devices do.

People who signed up to attend the webinar through A Touchy Subject were sent an email with one website link to click on the day of the webinar.

At 7pm, when they clicked that link, they were taken to a website that looks like this :

That’s me in the video to the left using Youtube Live stream - people at home watching the video are commenting and asking questions in the chatbox to the right. I am reading the comments and asking questions as I go.

Webinar FAQs

‘Can you hear me if I talk back?’

Nope, for my webinars you can only hear me. It’s your choice if you’d like to natter back at the screen but you will be ultimately talking to yourself. If you’d like to get involved in the conversation (highly encouraged!) you can type questions or comments in the chatbox next to the screen or send a text message.

‘Can I have the video full screen but also comment?

’I am still figuring out how I can do this! I stream my webinars through Youtube Live and use a separate piece of software (called Chattango) for the chatbox. If anyone has any bright ideas do get in touch!

‘Can I comment anonymously?’

Absolutely, you can choose whether to post with a name or anonymous and you don’t need to enter any details to start typing.

Do we get sent the replay afterwards?

Yes you do, usually the morning after the webinar.

How long is the replay online for?

Currently I am keeping the expert interview replays online indefinitely available publicly through Youtube. The private educational webinars are private for people who have signed up only.

Victoria Cullen

I help men after prostate cancer treatment recover sexual function. I am a PhD researcher and sexual recovery consultant based in Melbourne, Australia.


Next Webinar: Jo Milios on Curved Penises/ Peyronies Disease


Which came first - Viagra or The Clitoris?