Client Case Study: Peyronie's, E.D. and Pumps

I met this client in early 2018.

He was (at that time) a 69 year old gentleman and the commercial director of a medical clinic, I was therefore truly grateful to have his feedback of my service and advice.

What solutions had you tried before you saw Victoria Cullen?

After a radical Prostatectomy in April 2017 I had no spontaneous erections. 

In my case, there was a further complication.  I had Peyronie’s disease, which began about 9 years prior.  While for me this didn’t stop erections per se, it limits expansion both in length and width.

Following surgery a nurse at my urology clinic explained vacuum devices and let me try a battery-powered, high-end unit.  It appeared to work but was about $400-500 (Oz Dollars)

Instead, I bought a hand-pump device from an adult shop for about $150.

This worked for the first couple of times to create a modest erection.  However, the soft silicon ring they sold me (to maintain erection once the pump was removed) turned out to be useless. 

At first I thought this was due to my Peyronie’s but I now know that was not the problem. The ring was just not up to the job

Two other issues with the ‘store-bought’ item are also important:

  1. Having a long tube off the end of the device is just plain cumbersome and irritating

  2. The particular pumping mechanism was a ‘plunger’ type and began leaking after about three or four uses.  When I pulled it apart I found that it was using the same principle as an old hand-held pushbike tyre pump, but the materials and machining were so cheap and bad that nothing I could do would make it work to hold a vacuum. 

It eventually had to be chucked.

Then. I finally found out about Victoria Cullen’s service, and booked an appointment.

Victoria: During the appointment I listened to this gentleman’s experiences with all the erection aids and strategies he had tried. I also made sure I understood what he most hoped to experience from using devices, and beyond that what his ideal sexual life looked like. I suggested he try The Vacurect vacuum erection device as an alternative to the sex shop one he had tried, and the We-vibe Vibrator to enjoy with his partner.

What happened when you used the Vacurect Vacuum Device?

The Vacurect device proved to be simple, convenient and incredibly effective at creating a better erection both in length and girth than I had experienced in years. 

It did not compensate completely for the Peyronie’s but it certainly produced a major improvement over anything that had been naturally occurring in the years prior to surgery.  Over a number of uses I have found that your advice to combine the device with Viagra or its equivalent helps enormously.

More importantly, the rings – once I found the right size - proved to be 100% effective at sustaining a prolonged erection for up to 20 minutes after using the device.  The combination of the VED and the cleverly designed ring is both easy to use and superbly effective, especially with a boost from Viagra (although that is not essential). 

My partner has been even more delighted than I have!

Thank you for your help and guidance.  I strongly endorse your service and will happily recommend that anyone recovering from surgery, or struggling with erectile dysfunction for any other reason, should seek your support.

Victoria Cullen

I help men after prostate cancer treatment recover sexual function. I am a PhD researcher and sexual recovery consultant based in Melbourne, Australia.


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